ASEAN JAPAN Gen-Z Leader Community:
Building a new ASEAN-Japan relationship"
The community will to develop a proposal to be conveyed to the ASEAN – Japan Gen Z Leaders’ Summit in Karuizawa, ultimately contributing to the ASEAN – Japan Special Leaders’ Summit in Tokyo. The community foster deeper discussions , building a new ASEAN-Japan relationship .
ASEAN – Japan emphasises people-to-people contact and cultural exchanges, particularly among the youth and intellectuals, with a view to fostering a sense of togetherness, mutual respect and understanding of each other’s traditions and values. The community will build Gen-Z leaders’ capacities as advocates and agents for increased partnership and collaboration between ASEAN and Japan through a collection of lectures, group discussions, expert-led panels, site visits, team activities, networking, cross-cultural sharing, and produce a vision statement/communique/proposal for the leaders.
Gen-Z Leaders
Building a new ASEAN Japan relationship
Nov 15, 2023
Creating a better world with the power of Gen-Z and Entrepreneurship-Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN-Japan Relationship
The Gen-Z leaders are expected to develop a proposal to be conveyed to the ASEAN – Japan Gen Z Leaders’ Summit in Karuizawa, ultimately contributing to the ASEAN – Japan Special Leaders’ Summit in Tokyo, Japan. This programme will create a sense of ownership for the ASEAN – Japan relationship and build the capacities of the future leaders of ASEAN – Japan. This programme could also be a forum for networking and sharing ideas, initiatives, and experiences among Gen-Z leaders.
The ASEAN – Japan Generation Z Business Leaders’ Summit
This programme serves as an ice-breaker, creating an initial relationship among Gen-Z leaders. During this virtual meeting, The Gen-Z leaders will reconfirm the community's meaning. This programme also sets the stage for us to align our aspirations and goals for the forthcoming Summit in Japan.
General Virtual Meeting
The ASEAN – Japan Generation Z Business Leaders’ Pre-Event with the theme ‘Strengthening Multilateral Partnerships through Empowering Young Entrepreneurs to Achieve Economic Growth’ envisions being a platform for Gen-Z leaders from various backgrounds to develop team building among the ASEAN and Japan Gen-Z leaders and prepare them to participate in the Summit in Karuizawa, Japan. This programme will create a sense of ownership for the ASEAN – Japan relationship and build the capacities of the future leaders of ASEAN – Japan. This programme could also be a forum for networking and sharing ideas, initiatives, and experiences among Gen-Z leaders of the region and a promotion to the Summit.
The ASEAN – Japan Generation Z Business Leaders’ Pre-Event
Yanuth Then
Startup Cambodia Program Coordinator Department of Startup Development / Techo Startup Center
Hiroshi Ishikawa
Head of the Secretariat Special Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry, Japan / Executive Dierctor, JETRO
Yuichi Yokoi
Director of the secretariat
Senior Director / JETRO Singapore
Misato Nagakawa
Executive Board Member / Wake Up Japan
Ryusei Kurata
Director/PoliPoli. Inc